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    PPD Directory Structure (Not InEXE)

    | [Name] | Number | Offset | Size | Attr |

    [Name] is a 12  byte  CASE  SENSITIVE  string  which  can  be used to
    identify the data.

    Number is a 2 byte  word.   This  number  can  be used as a repeating
    key, but you should use it as  a  unique  key.   For  example, if you
    have two different entries  with  the  same  number and name, and you
    request this entry, only  the  first  one  (nearest  the front of the
    file)  will  be  accessed.   Numbers  from  1  to  60000 may be used.
    Number 0 and numbers above 60000 are reserved.

    Offset is a 4  byte  LongInt  which  specifies  the  relative address
    of the data.  Notice that  this  gives  the  address  relative to the
    specified  FileStart.   The  address  is  the  number  of  bytes away
    from the front of this  relative  file  beginning  and  thus 0 is the
    first data position.

    Size is a 2 byte  word  and  specifies  the  size  of  the data found
    at the Offset.  The data may be up to 64 kb.

    Attr is the field attribute.

See Also: PPD Directory Field Attribute
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